Worship Services

Sunday Services at 9:30 am can be viewed live here.

Service Schedule

Sunday, 9:30 am - Sung Eucharist

Wednesday, 7:00 pm - Spoken Eucharist

See the weekly service leaflet for this week's schedule.

What to Expect

When you come to visit Christ the King for a service, you'll find that our service is liturgical, which is to say that it follows an order of service that will feel quite familiar if your background is in the Roman Catholic or Episcopal/Anglican tradition. Within the set structure of the liturgy, every week brings different readings, selections from the psalter, prayers, and hymns, and always the Holy Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ. Our Sunday morning service is entirely sung, and our weekday, non-festival services are ordinarily spoken. To see an example of what a Sunday morning at Christ the King might look like, click here. For more service leaflets, see our Media page.

We have several names for our service, "Eucharist" and "Mass" being two, but you will also hear our service referred to as "Divine Service," a translation of the German Gottesdienst (God's Service). When we use the words "Divine Service," we confess that, in the worship service, it is primarily God serving us with His gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation in His Word and Sacraments.

Holy Communion

Members in good standing of congregations of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod or her sister churches are invited to receive the Holy Eucharist at this altar. The Body of Christ is received on the tongue and the Blood of Christ from the chalice, though you may also receive by intinction, in which case the Celebrant touches the Host to the Blood of Christ and places it onto your tongue.


We truly regret that, because of the divisions within Christendom, we cannot extend a general invitation to everyone to receive the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the Sacrament of Unity: reception of Holy Communion by Christians who are not of one faith would imply a unity which does not exist — a unity for which we must all fervently pray. The pastor is glad to speak with anyone who wishes to be prepared to receive Holy Communion at this altar. If you would like to approach the altar for a blessing, please cross your arms over your chest.

Parents with Young Children 

Welcome! We're glad to have you join us. Our Lord said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God" (Mark 10:14). Jesus wants your children to be in church with you, and so do we. As a result, we don't send children out into a separate "children's church" or nursery, but we all worship God together, whether we are nine months or ninety years.

We know that children tend to squirm and squeal, and we're quite accustomed to it. We even find it kind of charming. Please don't feel embarrassed  — you and your children are welcome at Christ the King.

We follow a consistent liturgy (order of worship) each week, which allows your children to settle into the routine. As we go through the service, encourage your children to join in the prayers and responses: "Amen!" "And with thy spirit!" "Our Father..." and so on. Be sure to sing and speak your parts as we go through the service — your children learn by following your lead.

If you have to step out for a moment, we have a cry room at the rear of the church with a large window that lets you see what's going on in the service and a speaker connected to the sound system that lets you hear, so that you can participate even when your child needs a few moments away.


Christ the King is entirely on one level apart from the choir loft, and has a handicapped parking space just outside the front door. The seating in our church is made up of interlocking chairs, so it's very easy for us to move one or two of them somewhere else if you need room for a wheelchair. Large print worship materials can be made available if requested in advance, and if you need assistance with anything else, please ask — we'll be glad to help.